I just come back from Siu Wai's wedding... Mrs Chung told me that Mrs Ma is going to "early" retired from July 2006. If u want to visit her, may be u need to date her earlier la...
In today bible class, Lai-on sister mentioned a test called TJTA. I went home and found that actually I did this test 4 years ago when I was still studying my master course. I think this test is quite accurate (at least for me). So I shared my result with you. (The underlined one were my personality traits 4 yaers ago. I think they are still my personality traits today!)
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (TJTA)
Personality Traits
A. Composed 鎮靜
B. Light-Hearted 愉快
C. Quiet 安靜
D. Expressive-Responsive 放鬆
E. Sympathetic 同情
F. Objective 客觀
G. Submissive 妥協
H. Tolerant 寬容
I. Self-Disciplined 自律