Thursday, October 08, 2020

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Sunday, September 27, 2020

1980-10-28 Woodstock speaks words!


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020


整iPhone / iPad icon做「史諾比痴漢」 
我最近因為工作關係終於加入iPad 一族。
但老細在場又不方便開Page / Photo, 
Android phone and Tab是比較簡單,
用Chrome “Add to Home Screen”,
但iOS 因為保安理由, 

才選”Add to Home Screen”。 

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Sunday, June 07, 2020

STGSS Guitar Chord

STGSS Guitar Chord
F major ♩ = 112
| F/A F Bb/D | C |
| F C/E | C7 A7/C# | D7 Gm | A/C# Dm Em/G | C B♭/D | F C7 | F |
| G/B | C | G/B | C | A/C# | Dm | C/E | F/A |
| Bb/D F/C Bb | C Dm | Gm D/A Gm/Bb | G7/B C |
| F/A | Bb A7/C# | Dm Gm | F/C Bb/C C | F
C/E | C7 Dm Dm/C | Bb F/A Bb C | F |!AsO4gYa-c2IXuEjPaaur7YOHlJgW?e=dcXmTl


Sunday, May 31, 2020

一般資深花生迷,會認為一切以每日報紙的漫畫作準(因為真的是舒爾茲老師一手一腳畫出來創作,助手頂多幫手填色或copy副本),反而電視或電影話就話忠於原著,但因為太多外人(例如Bill Meléndez and Lee Mendelson)參與創作,難免改動了原著的神粹,例如到現在仍有少數死硬派花生迷不肯承認Rover and Molly是Snoopy的兄弟姊妹,因為每日報紙版雖然提過Snoopy有八兄弟姊妹,但R and M並沒有在報紙版出現過。
如果根據原著,Schroeder 只是CB 打棒球的好朋友,並不同校。
Lucy 和CB 應該是同校、同班兼同年(作者沒有直接講,不過從種種蛛絲馬跡,d花生迷有此結論),至於why Linus 仍會和Lucy and CB同一個班房上課,有外國花生迷大膽估計可能Lucy and Linus其實是雙胞胎(只是Lucy出世先)露絲第一次出場是1952年3月3日,萊納斯是1952年7月14日,兩人出場時都係Toddler。外國就有粉絲攪笑地估計Lucy和Linus可能相差只有一年估計Linus早產(我有朋友真的自己在1月2日出生,而弟弟因為「七星仔」未足月出生所以同一年12月出生),又或者Linus 被喻為花生哲者,Linus是資優生跳級,所以和Lucy同一個年級。
不過比較合理的原因,是因為1950年至1980年代美國部分地區仍是非常落後,因為資源不足,學校請不夠老師,(連Miss Othmar明明因為嫁人辭咗職都要走返來教Linus!) 所以不同年級的學生在同一個班房上課,有d似香港以前的村校。這個原因是比較多資深花生迷認同的。現在有部份美國的小學仍然會安排某些科目兩級一起上課,所以如果Lucy和Linus只是相距一年,是有可能發生㗎!
利申:我不是死硬派(所以我信Molly and Rover的存在),如果有d嘢報紙版沒有提但電視電影版有講,我會信。然而萬一兩者有衝突,我會傾向相信報紙版。當然因為Schulz有時太忙/年紀大,所以報紙版都經常前後矛盾...那時侯便唯有相信 Scott McGuire and Derrick Bang吧😄
報紙版也提及某一次因為CB間學校受破壞要維修,CB暫時要去和Peppermint Patty一起上課。這可能也explain了why Lucy and Schroeder 一起在同一個課室上課(CB and Lucy同校,Peppermint Patty and Schroeder同校)。

Sunday, May 24, 2020

原來Snoopy 花生漫畫和德國真係有relation 㗎。

Charles Shultz

原來Snoopy 花生漫畫和德國真係有relation 㗎。
(Hehehe sorry my History is only up to S.3.)

他筆下的漫畫人物Charlie BrownSnoopy,我想應該沒有多少人會不認識。
Charles Shultz變成Charles Schulz

正如我們過去曾經分享,著名童書《Berenstein Bears》變為《Berenstain Bears》的例子,同樣將作者的猶太姓氏Berenstein,變成一個罕有的不知名姓氏Berenstain,即是,「曼德拉效應」帶來的姓氏轉變,當日,將Berenstein這個家族部分重要的歷史痕跡完全抹走了,

Charles Shultz變成Charles Schulz的資料、證據,同樣有許多。
網頁標題是舊有名字,有t 字的Charles Shultz

亦有大量以舊姓氏Charles Shultz為標題,介紹查理斯‧舒爾茨的相片。

Saturday, May 23, 2020

以上既product/ 興趣響故事入面嘅用途同detail

Root Beer/Snoopy鐘意食嘅嘢
Linus’s Security Blanket
war and peace

以上既product/ 興趣響故事入面嘅用途同detail


打字機:1965年7月12日Snoopy第一次用打字機,打上名句”It was a dark and stormy night”. 自此他開始了他的寫作之路,雖然兩日後他收過出版社75美元的稿費,可惜他的稿子之後經常被退稿,搞到他好友Woodstock要用他丟掉的寫稿廢紙做雀巢!胡士托則是1970年2月23日第一次用史諾比的打字機打字,自此成為了史諾比最忠誠的的秘書。

Root beer: 最初是被描寫成Shermy的飲品,由1966年7月24日,史諾比扮第一次世界大戰的飛機師打勝仗飲Root Beer 慶祝開始,史諾比便愛上了Root Beer.
Snoopy愛吃pizza, 1960年2月13日他因為太愛吃pizza,聞到pizza味衝了出狗屋,之後狗屋就被跌下來的冰雹摧毀了,他死裏逃生,自此pizza便成為了他的「救命恩人」。
1980年4月22日開始,Snoopy愛上吃chocolate chip cookies, 他之後還經常潛入查理布朗家的cookie jar偷吃。

棒球:查理布朗1950年已經組織了一隊棒球隊做的隊長,他是負責pitcher(投手),但連輸942場,最慘淡的一次是輸零比600! 就算他出動運動拿A的Peppermint Patty也只能5:37收場。偶然有幾次贏了也是因為他病了缺陣。直到1993年3月31日查理布朗才打出生涯43年的第一支全壘打,他才贏得第一次勝利,而之後他在1993年6月29日贏了第二次後,他的隊便沒有再贏過了。
可憐的查理布朗在2015年看到希望。為了慶祝「史諾比」動畫「A Charlie Brown Christmas」50周年,美國ABC電視台製作了一支短片,內容除了回顧查理布朗場上的表現,三藩市巨人兩位巨星也決定要好好教他打球,「查理布朗,到舊金山來,我會教你一些投球的竅門。」王牌投手邦加納(Madison Bumgarner)表示;當家捕手波西接著說「我也會教你如何打擊喔。」

童軍:1974年5月13日Snoopy第一次做Beagle Scout去行山,Woodstock 和他的雀仔朋友(Harriet, Bill, Raymond, Roy, Oliver, Conrad, Fred 及Wilson)於1974年6月9日陸續加入。他們經常迷路,迷路時竟然只懂叫「媽媽」求救!他只懂帶天使蛋糕做食物,胡士托燒棉花糖時更是笑料百出。


玩具鋼琴:第一次出現在花生漫畫是1951年9月24日,由Schroeder (舒路達)彈奏。1953年,Lucy(露絲)問彈琴中的Schroeder他們在彈奏什麼曲目,Schroeder回答是Suite, 但Lucy聽錯是Sweet, 自此Lucy便單戀愛上Schroeder...
而Schroeder和Snoopy第一次的鋼琴「合奏」是1966年的電視卡通”It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”。

School bus: 美國的校巴統一是黃色,不過在漫畫裡第一次出現其實是1971年5月5日,Sally Brown去Field trip時坐的。之後才出現主角們坐黃巴士上學去的情景。

Linus’ Security Blanket: 第一次出現是1954年6月1日, Linus (萊納斯)經常一邊吮手指一邊抱着毛毯很享受。舒爾茲曾表示,他是觀察自己的孩子經常抱着毯子跑來跑去,因而創作了「安全毛毯」這個名詞,對舒爾茲來說,童年像毛毯,一輩子也捨不得丟棄。而Security Blanket這個名詞由1954年開始,成為美國潮語,直至今天美國心理學家仍然用它來解釋一些兒童心理學現象。Linus之後演變它作其他用途:風箏、紙飛機、降落傘、史諾比的運動外套、甚至是打蟲子用的彈弓!史諾比經常會搶走他的毛毯,Linus為此很苦惱,但偶然他也很開心能因此和Snoopy玩。

War and Peace: 第一次在漫畫出現是1972年3月27日,史諾比打算以每天讀一個字的速度看完此書。此書有587287個字,史諾比要用1609年才能看完了。而2015年的「史諾比:花生漫畫大電影」(第五套花生漫畫電影)中,查理布朗被抽中要和他暗戀的紅髮女孩Heather做閱讀報告,但因為Heather要去美國東岸探病了的祖母,查理布朗又想以一人之力獨自代替Heather挑戰難度取得金星星,所以他便挑選了這本書作報告(可惜最後他獨力把閱讀報告做好後被Red Baron破壞了。)

Monday, May 18, 2020

Snoopy U

(Just for fun) If there were a Snoopy University, and if you were admitted to study a Bachelor Degree in Peanuts Comics, what do you except to learn?
My course list:

1.    “Kite aerodynamics” Lecturer: Charles Brown
2.    “Interior Design in a small house” Lecturer: Snoopy
3.    “Birds’ Language” Lecturer: Woodstock and his bird friends
4.    “Theory of crabbiness” Lecturer: Lucy Van Pelt
5.    “Security Blanket’s Psychology” Lecturer: Linus Van Pelt
6.    “Sweet Babboo in Daily Philosophies” Lecturer: Sally Brown
7.    “Study of Beethoven” Lecturer: Schroeder
8.    “Public hygiene” Lecturer: Pig-Pen
9.    “Architecture in Sand Castles” Lecturer: Franklin
10.    “Sportsmanship” Lecturer: Peppermint Patty
11.    “War and Peace” Lecturer: Marcie
12.    “Introduction to Cats” Lecturer: Frieda
13.    “Technique in letter writing” Lecturer: Lila
14.    “Balancing in a bicycle” Lecturer: Rerun Van Pelt
15.    “Life in desert” Lecturer: Spike
16.    “Skills in winning the Ugly Dog Contest” Lecturer: Olaf
17.    “Nursing” Lecturer: Belle
18.    “Career as a pilot” Lecturer: Fifi

Monday, May 04, 2020

The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show Lyrics (Japanese version)

Charles M. Schulz Hong Kong Fan Club
Club’s Theme Song (Japanese Version)

Original song: Let's have a party with Charlie Brown and Snoopy (The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show)
Music: Désirée Goyette & Ed Bogas
Lyrics: (English) Désirée Goyette (Chinese and Japanese) Seeyan Wong
Music Arrangement: Theofilos Bikos
Copyright: ©1984 Desiland Music/DeSagob Music/United Feature
Music Publishing ( and

English Version:
Japanese Version:
一緒に パーティー              
[Issho ni party]
with Charlie Brown and Snoopy             
[with Charlie Brown and Snoopy]
Linus and Sally一緒に歌って                     
[Linus and Sally Issho ni utatte]
Lucy は笑う と叫ぶ                         
[Lucy wa warau to Sakebu]
Come on and dance around with Snoopy and the Charlie Brown          
[Come on and dance around with Snoopy and the Charlie Brown]

[Uddosutokku wa kuchibue o fuku]
Marcie and Peppermint Patty揺れる            
[Marcie and Peppermint Patty Yureru]
[Schroeder wa piano wo hiku]
Come on and dance around with Snoopy and the Charlie Brown          
[Come on and dance around with Snoopy and the Charlie Brown] 

(Get up and dance) now we've got the beat                         
[(Get up and dance) now we've got the beat]
(Get up and dance) with Snoopy's happy feet]                                 
[(Get up and dance) with Snoopy's happy feet]
いっしょに (dancing)                                   
[Issho ni (dancing)]
跳舞 (dancing)                                               
[Chōbu (dancing)]
[Sunūpī to Happī dansu]

Belle, Spike, and Olafは幸せです            
[Belle, Spike and Olaf wa shiawase desu]
[Mada ie ni kaeranaide]
[Tabun ano akai kami no]
[shōjo ga kite]
[chārī buraun to odorimasu]

Thursday, April 30, 2020

好友Gloria Sung (她同時也是Peanuts Fan)今天生日,

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

各位我最近又翻看我之前錄影的TVB 花生仔,發現似乎就算大家都是香港版,有少部分中文譯名也有不同...


TVB花生動畫 / TVB花生漫畫大電影 / Snoopy in Space Cantonese / ATV / DVD / Christmas / Snoopy Show

舒爾茲 / 舒爾茨 / 查理斯舒爾茲 / / / / 查理斯舒爾茲
萊納斯 /(the same) / 拉尼斯 / 拉納斯 / 連尼 / 萊納斯 / 萊納斯 
富蘭克林 / (the same) / 法蘭克林 / / / / 富蘭剋林
薄荷碧蒂 / (the same) / (the same) / 薄荷佩蒂 / 薄荷碧蒂 / / 薄荷碧蒂
大人 / 先生 / 長官 / / Miss / / 先生
查理布朗 / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / (the same)
矇查查 / 阿叉 / 查理 / / 阿查 / / 查理
查爾斯 / 查理斯 / 查理 / / / / 查理
豬圈仔 / 乒乓 / 乒乓 / / / 乒乓 / 乒乓
露絲 / (the same) / 露茜 / / 露絲 / 露絲 / 露絲
瑪思 / 瑪茜卡琳 / 瑪茜 / / 瑪西 / / 瑪茜
史諾比 / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / / (the same) / (the same)
胡士托 / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / (the same) / / (the same)
莎莉布朗 / (the same) / (the same) / / (the same) / (the same) / (the same)
舒路達 / (the same) / / 史高達 / 史路達 / 舒路達 / 舒路達
奧芙瑪老師 / 奧菲瑪老師 / / / / / 奧芙莫老師
/ / 比格犬 / 獵犬 / / / 小獵犬
/ / 阿蘭 / / / / 
/ / / / / 雪米 /  
/ / / / / 傅麗達 / 
重覆 /  /  /  / 小雷 /  / 禮讓
//////老友 (pal)


Monday, March 30, 2020


Miss Othmar約一衆花生漫畫的角色討論學校學生會選President事宜。

問: 很久沒有見過Pig-pen, 有沒有他消息?

Miss Othmar再問: Lucy and Linus在哪?
答: 他們一家五口再加上祖父母太多人,不夠口罩啊。

Miss Othmar又問:Marcie那裏去?
答: 她戴眼鏡,找不到戴眼鏡專用的保護鏡呀...

Miss Othmar沒好氣再問:Woodstock呢?
答: Woodstock唔記得自己燒緊棉花糖,佢用完酒精洗手,點知成身著🔥燒傷,好在Conrad 立即用水淋熄佢,佢先至無變成燒雞... 現在無乜大礙,但佢都要入廠。

Miss Othmar問:咁點解Olivier, Fred, Harriet, Bill, Raymond, Roy, Wilson果幾隻雀都無浦頭呢?
答: 佢地班雀友多過4個聚集俾人拉左😇

Miss Othmar又問:Woodstock不是1972年11月10日扮過蝙蝠嗎?他的蝙蝠朋友又去咗邊呢?

Miss Othmar甚為不悅,說: 還有誰未到?
答: Sally見到Linus後面紅疑似發燒, 自我隔離中... Little Red-Haired Girl去完探病咗的嫲嫲後未能入境...

Charlie Brown: 其實Miss Othmar, 你不用專程約我們來開會的,呢個世界有樣嘢叫Zoom網上開會啊!
Miss Othmar: 我想見你們真身派Easter Eggs啊!

最後Miss Othmar無可奈何宣布休會至少十四天至另行通知。

Miss Othmar再問:Snoopy果邊情況係點?
眾花生漫畫角色答:只有佢仍然未封關, 歡迎大家去佢狗屋比佢beagle kiss...

A joke under COVID-19, which is happening in Hong Kong.

Miss Othmar wants to have a face-to-face meeting with the Peanuts gang, in order to discuss the election of the Student Union’s President.

Miss Othmar: Where’s Pig-pen?
Peanuts gang: He is still washing his hands...

Miss Othmar: Where are Lucy and Linus?
Peanuts gang: They don’t have enough surgical masks for a family of five members plus their grandparents...

Miss Othmar: Where’s Marcie?
Peanuts gang: She cannot find an anti-virus goggle specially designed for those who are wearing glasses...

Miss Othmar: Where’s Woodstock?
Peanuts gang: Woodstock is roasting marshmallows when he tries to use alcoholic hand-wash... He gets a burn. Conrad immediately saves him by pulling a bucket of water into him, so he does not become a roasted chicken. He is now in the hospital, although not in a critical situation...

Miss Othmar: Then, where are other birds, Olivier, Fred, Harriet, Bill, Raymond, Roy?
Peanuts gang: Their gathering has more than four... sent to the police under the recent new law...

Miss Othmar: I remember Woodstock had a bat friend on 1972/11/10... Where is he now?

Peanuts gang: He is eaten by the Wuhan people, and that’s why we have this COVID-19 now...

Miss Othmar (a bit angry): Is there anyone else who hasn’t arrived yet?
Peanuts gang: Sally, after seeing her sweet babboo, gets a blush which looks like she is getting a fever. Therefore she has to quarantine herself... Little Red-Haired Girl went to her home country to visit her sick grandmother and then she cannot return to our country...

Charlie Brown: Actually, we can use video-conferencing software “ZOOM” to have an online meeting instead of a face-to-face meeting.
Miss Othmar: But I want to see you in order to distribute Easter eggs!

Miss Othmar decides to postpone the meeting for at least 14 days until further notice.

Miss Othmar: Finally, how’s Snoopy?
Peanuts gang: Snoopy is the only one who hasn’t locked down... He welcomes us to visit his doghouse and has a beagle hug...

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Snoopy's Many Roles

Compiled by Derrick Bang

  1. A bird (August 9, 1951)
  2. A baseball umpire (of sorts) -- 8/24/51 (and again on 6/22/54)
  3. A car motor (January 12, 1952)
  4. A shark (July 21, 1954)
  5. A wolf (January 26, 1955)
  6. A rhinoceros (February 22, 1955)
  7. Mr. Spaceman (March 22, 1955)
  8. A snake (August 29, 1955)
  9. Violet (November 17, 1955)
  10. A pelican (November 21, 1955)
  11. Lucy (November 22, 1955)
  12. A moose (November 24, 1955)
  13. Beethoven (November 25, 1955)
  14. Mickey Mouse (November 26, 1955)
  15. A giraffe (February 7, 1956)
  16. A kangaroo (February 8, 1956)
  17. An alligator (February 28, 1956)
  18. A lion (May 3, 1956)
  19. A python (June 14, 1956  term "python" applied on July 25)
  20. An elephant (September 17, 1956)
  21. A polar bear (February 7, 1957)
  22. A mule (July 14, 1957)
  23. A circus dog (July 24, 1957)
  24. A sea monster (August 23, 1957)
  25. A penguin (December 31, 1957)
  26. An anteater (March 1, 1958)
  27. A bald eagle (May 12, 1958)
  28. vulture (May 13, 1958)
  29. A tiger (June 15, 1958)
  30. A goat (June 18, 1958)
31.    A gopher -- 1/7/59
  1. Big Man on the Campus (January 29, 1959)
  2. A bloodhound (March 26, 1959)
34.  A vampire bat -- 5/15/59 (and, on 11/10/72, a "regular" bat)
  1. A cow (June 14, 1959)
  2. A baby (June 23, 1959)
  3. A cricket (September 12, 1959)
  4. A mountain lion (November 29, 1959)
  5. A TV antenna (January 7, 1960)
  6. A whirlydog  (March 14, 1960)
  7. Dracula (April 18, 1960)
  8. A dinosaur (July 7, 1960)
  9. The Mad Punter (December 12, 1960)
  10. A ship's captain (January 29, 1961)
  11. A rabbit (March 16, 1961)
  12. A gorilla (March 21, 1961)
  13. A lost calf (March 26, 1961)
  14. A salmon (October 17, 1961)
  15. A hood ornament (November 24, 1961)
  16. The chairman of the board (February 13, 1962)
  17. A fierce jungle ape (May 3, 1962)
  18. A shepherd (July 1, 1962)
  19. A gargoyle (September 27, 1962)
  20. A teddy bear (December 28, 1962)
  21. A watchdog (April 21, 1963)
  22. A weather vane (June 1, 1963)
57.  An ice-skating champion  --  2/23/64
  1. A parrot (December 19, 1964)
  2. A sheep (December 24, 1964)
60.   A partridge in a pear tree  --  12/25/64
  1. A trapeze artist (March 2, 1965)
  2. A skateboard champion (March 29, 1965)
  3. A bowling ace (April 14, 1965)
64.   An assistant psychiatrist (for Lucy)  --  6/25/65
  1. The World Famous Author/Novelist (July 12, 1965), although "world famous" is not indicated until pictured in the title panel of Sunday, July 13, 1969 and Snoopy describes himself as such on September 9, 1969.
  2. A surfer (August 5, 1965)
  3. The World Famous French Foreign Legionnaire (August 22, 1965)
  4. The World War I Flying Ace (October 10, 1965)
69.   A soldier of the French Foreign Legion  --  3/21/66
  1. The WWI army surgeon (November 24, 1966)
  2. The "Masked Marvel" (February 9, 1967)
  3. A piranha (March 25, 1967)
  4. The Cheshire Beagle (April 18, 1967)
  5. A leopard (June 18, 1967)
  6. A secret agent (September 7, 1967)
  7. The World Famous Hockey Player (October 8, 1967)
  8. The Creature from the Sea (January 12, 1968)
  9. A school principal (January 30, 1968)
  10. The World Famous Baseball Manager (March 13, 1968)
  11. The World Famous Golf Pro (April 8, 1968)
  12. The Easter Bunny (April 14, 1968)
82.   The World-Famous Wrist Wrestler  --  4/24/68
  1. A jogger (August 19, 1968)
  2. Captain of the Rescue Squad (January 27, 1969)
  3. The World Famous Hockey Goalie (February 10, 1969)
  4. A prairie dog (February 12, 1969)
  5. The World Famous Astronaut (March 8, 1969)
88.   The tether-ball champion  --  5/28/69
  1. The World Famous Roller Derby Star (July 4, 1969)
90.  The World-Famous Baseball Superstar  --  7/31/69
91.    The World-Famous Football Star  --  9/16/69
  1. The WWII Veteran (November 11, 1969)
  2. The World Famous Quarterback (November 23, 1969)
  3. The World Famous Skier (December 15, 1969)
  4. The "Head Beagle" (February 16, 1970)
  5. The World Famous Tennis Player (June 11, 1970)
  6. The World Famous Grocery Clerk (August 25, 1970)
  7. The World Famous Swinger (November 30, 1970)
  8. The Easter Beagle (April 11, 1971)
  9. A sheep dog (April 25, 1971)
  10. Joe Cool (May 27, 1971)
  11. The World Famous Football Coach (September 2, 1971)
  12. The World Famous Swimmer (October 2, 1971)
  13. The World Famous Skater (December 6, 1971)
  14. The World Famous Attorney (January 12, 1972)
  15. Captain of the Starship Enterprise (February 7, 1972)
  16. A pirate (August 14, 1972)
  17. A bat (November 10, 1972)
  18. Woodstock (January 6, 1973)
  19. A football team doctor (December 2, 1973)
111.   The Pawpet Theater Host  --  3/17/74
112.  A streaker  --  5/6/74
113.  The Beagle Scout (initially a "tenderpaw")  --  5/13/74
  1. The World Famous Crabby Skating Pro (November 7, 1974)
  2. Joe Motocross (February 18, 1975)
  3. The World Famous Truffle Hound (March 24, 1975)
  4. A horse (April 2, 1975)
  5. An airplane mechanic (June 24, 1975)
  6. A man from the chamber of commence (July 2, 1975)
  7. The World-Famous Jogger  --  5/17/76
121.  A helicopter  --  2/1/77
122. A crop-duster  --  7/10/77
  1. The Statue of Liberty (September 12, 1977)
  2. An owl (October 27, 1977)
  3. Peppermint Patty (December 5, 1977)
126. A traffic copter  --  10/8/78
  1. The World Famous Disco Dancer (October 16, 1978)
  2. The April Fool (April 1, 1979)
  3. Blackjack Snoopy, the World Famous River Boat Gambler (May 30, 1979)
  4. The World Famous Surveyor (June 18, 1979)
  5. A scarecrow (June 22, 1979)
132. A fierce python  --  10/9/79
  1. A fierce jungle animal (October 28, 1979)
  2. A bow and arrow hunter (January 15, 1980)
  3. Dr. Beagle and Mr. Hyde (March 19, 1980)
  4. A rattlesnake (March 28, 1980)
  5. The World Famous Census Taker (March 31 1980)
  6. John McEnroe (May 6, 1980)
  7. Tracy Austin (May 7, 1980)
  8. John Newcombe (May 8, 1980)
  9. The World Famous Advice Columnist (October 12, 1980)
142. A Zamboni driver  --  12/5/80
  1. A painter (June 12, 1981)
  2. Joe Preppy (July 30, 1981)
  3. The World Famous Hired Hand (February 27, 1982)
  4. The World Famous Surgeon (July 12, 1982)
  5. Joe Sandbagger (October 25, 1982)
  6. A chariot race driver (November 27, 1983)
  7. Flashbeagle (November 29, 1983)
  8. The Little Red-Haired Girl (February 10, 1985)
  9. A "punker" (August 7, 1985)
  10. The World Famous Explorer (August 18, 1985)
  11. The Lone Beagle (October 21, 1985)
  12. The World Famous Agent (September 15, 1986)
155. Joe Aerobics  --  7/11/87
  1. An ape (August 21, 1988)
  2. Alistair Beagle (June 27, 1989)
158. "Shoeless" Joe Beagle  --  8/27/89
  1. Santa Claus (December 18, 1989)
160. Joe Bungie  --  8/5/90
161.  A tennis ball-beagle  --  8/12/90
  1. An "October beast" (October 2, 1990)
  2. The World Famous Flagman (January 9, 1991)
  3. A beaver (June 17, 1991)
165. A school honor student  --  9/19/91
  1. A trained service technician (October 10, 1991)
167. A wounded soldier  --  2/23/92
168. A ventriloquist  --  4/13/92
  1. An "Ace Airlines" pilot (June 8, 1992)
  2. Joe Grunge (April 26, 1993)
  3. World Famous G.I (June 6, 1994)
  4. The World Famous Hockey Coach (October 23, 1994)
  5. Joe Blackjack (August 30, 1995)
  6. Blackbeagle (February 27, 1996)
  7. A Revolutionary War Patriot (January 5, 1997)
176. Blackbeagle, the World Famous Pirate  --  7/31/97
  1. The World-Famous Big-Rig Operator (March 28, 1998)
  2. The Scott Fitzgerald Hero (May 21, 1998)
179. A diving expert  --  7/1/99
  1. The World Famous Orthopedic Surgeon (August 26, 1999)