Monday, May 18, 2020

Snoopy U

(Just for fun) If there were a Snoopy University, and if you were admitted to study a Bachelor Degree in Peanuts Comics, what do you except to learn?
My course list:

1.    “Kite aerodynamics” Lecturer: Charles Brown
2.    “Interior Design in a small house” Lecturer: Snoopy
3.    “Birds’ Language” Lecturer: Woodstock and his bird friends
4.    “Theory of crabbiness” Lecturer: Lucy Van Pelt
5.    “Security Blanket’s Psychology” Lecturer: Linus Van Pelt
6.    “Sweet Babboo in Daily Philosophies” Lecturer: Sally Brown
7.    “Study of Beethoven” Lecturer: Schroeder
8.    “Public hygiene” Lecturer: Pig-Pen
9.    “Architecture in Sand Castles” Lecturer: Franklin
10.    “Sportsmanship” Lecturer: Peppermint Patty
11.    “War and Peace” Lecturer: Marcie
12.    “Introduction to Cats” Lecturer: Frieda
13.    “Technique in letter writing” Lecturer: Lila
14.    “Balancing in a bicycle” Lecturer: Rerun Van Pelt
15.    “Life in desert” Lecturer: Spike
16.    “Skills in winning the Ugly Dog Contest” Lecturer: Olaf
17.    “Nursing” Lecturer: Belle
18.    “Career as a pilot” Lecturer: Fifi

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