Friday, January 04, 2019

Movie Mistakes

Movie mistakes of A Charlie Brown Christmas:
- This boy and girl are part of the train, then the boy is missing.
- This pile of bones never gets any smaller.
- Lucy's psychiatric sign keeps changing.
- Here they come out of a yellow wooden building. It turns into a red brick building.
- This tree has two branches, then become more than three branches.
- The American flag of course, then who stole it? And then who return it?
- Frieda and Snoopy change position suddenly.

Movie mistakes of It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown:
- We never see Linus walk passed this open hole. (?!)
- There are 9 planks here, but now there are just 7.
- There were apples and leaves before Lucy and Linus go to the pumpkin patch, but they disappears when they return. (?!)
- Suddenly Lucy is holding a piece of paper. (?!)
- The mail box initially has no writing on it, then suddenly it has the words "U.S. Mail" writing on it.
- 10 holes in Charlie Brown's costume, then suddenly only two holes.
- Two more children suddenly appear when Pig Pen arrives. (?!)
- Lucy claims to have only gotten five pieces of candy after receiving more than 10 candies from the first house. (?!)
- Violet suddenly has a pen at her right hand. (?!)
- There are 5 apples in the tank, but suddenly there are only 4. (?!)

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